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Browsing Tag: Striped Beanie Pattern

The North Winds Set

The North Winds Set is here! I’m thinking It’s going to be great for Christmas gifts this year. Beginner friendly and fast to make but also kept my interest throughout with the subtle stitch changes!

The striping on the scarf and beanie are my favorite part. And believe it or not, I had almost no ends to weave in when I was finished! Every time I had a color change for the scarf I cut the yarn, tied a knot and worked my stitches directly over the ends. This worked out amazingly and I’m so glad I did it so I had wayyy less ends to weave when I was done!

Heartland yarn is one of my favorites and It’s what I used for both patterns! The yardage listed below is enough to make at least 1 hat and 1 beanie, including a pom and fringe!

I made a full video tutorial for both patterns as well. You can find the beanie tutorial here and the scarf tutorial here. Be sure to check them out if you need any extra help!